Yukon Wild Marketing Program Membership Form

Mailing address

This document, when authorized below, forms an agreement between the above noted company (hereafter referred to as the Member) and the Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon (WTAY) to participate jointly in the Yukon Wild Marketing Program.

The Member, in signing this agreement, commits to provide funds and application materials to the program as detailed in this agreement. The WTAY commits to utilize the funds for the delivery of our Yukon Wild marketing activities. All funds due as committed in this agreement are payable to the WTAY on the signing date. 

The funds provided by the Member are a portion of the leveraged funds required by the Yukon Government’s Transfer Payment Agreement.  By signing this agreement, the Member agrees that the membership fee is paid by the Member to ensure the Yukon Wild Marketing Program achieves the required equity as determined by the Transfer Payment Agreement. 

All members must prove the following to secure participation in the Yukon Wild Marketing Program:

  • Wilderness Tourism License
  • Compliance with WTAY’s Code of Conduct
  • Market readiness, including a company website.

Market ready criteria includes: 

  • Hold and maintain all applicable insurance, licenses, permits, approvals and statutory authorities issued by any government or government agencies that are necessary to run the business.
  • Operate in the Yukon or Atlin, BC.
  • Be in good standing with Yukon Corporate Affairs and Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board (if applicable).
  • Have email address and telephone number operational year-round. If closed for the season, provided automated response through voice mail, answering service and/or email. 
  • Have marketing materials such as brochures, rack cards, website or social media presence.
  • During operating season, the business maintains at least a 24 to 48-hour response time to inquiries and at least 24-hour response time to reservations/booking requests.
  • Have published prices and consumer booking, payment and cancellation policies.

WTAY owns and operates the Yukon Wild Marketing Program and reserves the right to approve and/or refuse membership to the program through a pre-screening process. Additionally, WTAY reserves the right to suspend or terminate services to the participant in circumstances that could include:

  • The Member is not a bona fide provider of wilderness tourism products or services or has not conducted its business in an honest and respectful manner.
  • The Member has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct for Operating Wilderness Tours or any policy implemented by the WTAY board of directors from time to time.
  • Action taken by the Member has adversely impacted or is reasonably expected to adversely impact WTAY or other participants in the Yukon Wild program.
  • Action taken by the Member has adversely impacted or is reasonably expected to adversely impact the reputation of WTAY or the reputation of other participants in the Yukon Wild program.

Other than those images identified and compiled as part of the Yukon Wild Photo Bank and Asset Project for which the Member will receive a unique log-in code to access, the Member will refrain from using all Yukon Wild software design, text, graphics, artwork, images, photographs, audio clips, video clips, digital downloads, button icons, and other material (other than operator owned and supplied materials) including the selection in arrangements in said material, as they are the property of the Yukon Wild Marketing Program and cannot be used to promote a sole business and/or vendor. 

Members of the Yukon Wild Marketing Program may access the Yukon Wild Photo Bank Asset Project photos by agreeing to and signing the Yukon Wild Photo Bank Licensing Agreement included as part of this membership form.

If you infringe on this agreement, the Yukon Wild Marketing Committee may revoke your rights as a Member of the Yukon Wild Marketing Program. If you would wish to appeal this decision, you may bring your complaint to the WTAY’s board of directors.

Yukon Wild Photo Bank Licensing Agreement:
By signing this form, I agree to the following: 
  • I have non-exclusive rights to use the photos provided by Yukon Wild* for promotional purposes of my business only; I acknowledge and understand that other Yukon Wild members may also use Yukon Wild photos in their promotional materials;
  • I will not distribute any Yukon Wild photos to organizations or partners outside of my business;
  • If I leave/am no longer a member of the Yukon Wild Marketing Program, I will no longer use Yukon Wild images and am required to remove all Yukon Wild images from all my existing promotional materials;
  • Before I use the photo library platform, Flickr Pro, I will participate in a training session with the Agency of Record to receive my unique log-in credentials, ensure I understand how to properly use the photo library platform and how to properly credit all photos; and,
  • To use all photos according to and in the spirit of the WTAY code of conduct. 

*I understand that the images provided by Yukon Wild are appropriate for web, social media, and small-scale print materials, but may not be suitable for large format printing and acknowledge that if I require a high-resolution version of any image, this will be an additional cost, billed at the Agency of Record’s hourly rate.


$1500 + GST membership fee (10% discount with Full Membership with WTAY)

$900 + GST membership fee (10% discount with Full Membership with WTAY)

(four included with membership, $500 per additional activity – maximum 10 tours)

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Yukon Wild

Yukon Wild membership information

Yukon Wild is a marketing program under WTAY whose main objective is to drive conversions to operators through both paid and unpaid media, consumer and trade shows, sponsorship and partnerships, and other opportunities that align with the program.

Members of Yukon Wild are required to be licensed under the Wilderness Tourism Licensing Act of the Yukon. The membership supports eco-tourism best practices as outlined in WTAY’s Code of Conduct for Operating Wilderness Tours.